Looking to engage a deck maintenance company for deck maintenance service? Often overlooked or neglected, regular and proper maintenance of your deck is good practice as this helps maintain the integrity of your deck so it may live out its optimal lifespan.
Where restoring an old deck is a necessity, regular maintenance of your deck is good practice, as it helps your timber deck live out its optimal lifespan. Also, reviving an old deck that has been neglected tends to be more costly and may not even be possible if the damage to your deck is too great. In such a case, a deck replacement will then become the best option instead.
When to Service Your Deck?
Generally, it is recommended that you maintain your outdoor timber deck every six months to a year. However, the recommended maintenance schedule is only a general guideline. Practically, how often a deck needs to be sanded and/or re-varnished varies from one deck to another, as it is influenced by a combination of factors, including climate, the extent of the deck’s exposure to earth’s natural elements such as the sun, rain and humidity, how the deck is being used, its frequency of use, and the day-to-day cleaning and maintenance of it, to name but a few. As such, it will be more beneficial to decide on your deck maintenance based on observance of its condition rather than to follow a strict maintenance schedule.
A good time to schedule your timber deck for maintenance is when you notice that your timber deck finish has faded away or its surface area scratched in many places. In addition to the obvious aesthetic benefit, the finishing on a timber deck also provides it with some added protection from the damaging UV rays of the sun, so your deck may live out its optimal lifespan.
Timber Deck Restoration
Can your old and worn timber deck be restored or does it need replacement?